What Can Steel Foundries do to Reduce The defects of Steel Castings?


In recent years, steel casting foundries have made some thin-wall castings, and when they began mass production, the rejection rate was very high because of the shrinkage hole problem. Later, according to the experience of unsuccessful casting in the past, for thin-walled castings, steel casting foundries need to take targeted measures from simple to complex according to the different characteristics of castings, which has a very large practical guiding significance for solving product quality problems.

1. For shrinkage holes and porosity defects caused by too long feeding distance, steel casting foundries should increase the pouring gate in the pouring system or the suitable position of the casting.

2, according to the actual use of the casting, to improve the structure of the casting, increase the radius of the corner of the two walls, as far as possible to eliminate sharp corners.

3, the use of appropriate insulation measures, so that the feeding channel is smooth, so that the trend of simultaneous solidification.

4, if the casting structure can not be improved and the addition of pouring riser, steel casting foundries should take effective measures to improve the heat dissipation conditions of the shell, so as to tend to solidification at the same time to prevent the emergence of shrinkage and shrinkage holes.

5, for a variety of thin-wall and complex investment casting parts, vacuum assistance and gravity casting is also a good way, and the equipment structure is also very simple, small investment, and convenient operation.

6, for thick and thin wall intersection and thin wall area is relatively large steel casting products, steel casting foundries to adjust the pouring temperature and shell temperature by testing.

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